MA Spies Slider

Research Interests

Our research group investigates the fundamental properties of protein-ligand interactions, from a physical and chemical perspective. Our primary focus is on pharmaceutically relevant enzymes. The application and development of computational chemistry often plays a central role in addressing research questions centering on the discovery and design of novel ligands to validated drug targets. Computational insights are bolstered by in vitro and in vivo assays. Ongoing projects include: i) development of parallelized in silico docking using high performance computing (HPC) on the University of Iowa's Helium cluster, ii) use of steered molecular dynamics to perform highly accurate and precise free energy calculations to accurately rank order drug leads to a number of antimicrobial and antineoplastic targets, iii) use of hybrid QM/MM electronic structure methods to understand remote allosteric modulation of enzyme catalytic power and iv) development of cheminformatics tools for parsing attractive regions of chemical space in screening libraries.